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Bhailang - The language by and for Indian bros!

 Hi folks! If you ever get bored of the same, everyday, hard-coded keyword coding style, take a look here - - a toy language created by two Indian 'bros' - Aniket Singh from Amazon and Rishabh Tripathi from Groww. The language combines "Bhai", a word in Hindi for 'brother' and "lang", short for 'Language', popular in the coding culture, to derive it's name. The developers said "Bhailang" came up as idea from an insider joke. Syntax It is written in TypeScript, and has it's own well-defined syntax, but every statement contains the word 'bhai'. The programs of bhailang begin with a "hi bhai" statement and end with "bye bhai". Bhailang (Source: Keywords Bhailang uses keyword in Hindi language for it's purpose of programming. Numbers and strings are used and created like other languages. While, Boolean values of True and False are represented by "sahi" and "galat&

Hello World in 30 Programming Languages (Part 3)

How many programming languages do you think you know? Think a lot? Let's Check that out... This post is the third part of a bigger series, if you haven't read the first part,  do so here , and for the second part, go here . 21. QBASIC: Quick with the basics this time! The QB64 BASIC Compiler for QBASIC Developed by: Microsoft Developed in: 1931 HelloWorld.bas CLS PRINT "Hello World!" END REM ?"Hello World!" is also equivalent 22. Scala: Do more with less code Scala Developed by: Martin Odersky and Programming Methods Laboratory of École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Developed in: 20 January, 2004 object HelloWorld extends App{ println("Hello World!") } 23. Go: Let's go, straight into it! Go Developed by: Robert Griesemer, Rob Pike, Ken Thompson and The Go Authors Developed in: 10 November, 2009 HelloWorld.go package main import "fmt" func main(){ fmt.Println("Hello World!") } 24. Swift: Swifter

Hello World in 30 Programming Languages (Part 2)

How many programming languages do you think you know? Think a lot? Let's Check that out... This post is the second part of a bigger series, if you haven't read the first part, do so here . 11. BASIC: Let's begin with the basics Developed by: John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz Developed in: May1, 1964 HelloWorld.bas CLS PRINT "Hello World!" END 12. Java: Just have a sip! Java Developed by: James Gosling and Oracle Corp. Developed in:  May 23, 1995 public class HelloWorldApp { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Hello World!"); } } 13. GDScript: Go, go Godot! GDScript Developed by: Juan Linietsky and Ariel Manzur Developed in:  14 January, 2014 extends Node2D func _ready (): print ( "Hello World!" ) 14. Lua: Powerful, fast, lightweight, embeddable scripting language Lua Developed by: Roberto ierusalimschy, Waldemar Celes and Luiz Henrique de Figueiredo Develope

Hello World in 30 Programming Languages (Part 1)

How many programming languages do you think you know? Think a lot? Let's Check that out... 1. C: The Mother of all modern programming languages C Developed by: Dennis Ritchie Developed in: 1972 HelloWorld.c #include<stdio.h> int main(void){ printf("Hello World!"); return 0; } 2. C++: The Mother's still young and charming daughter C++ (C Plus Plus) Developed by: Bjarne Stroustrup Developed in: 1985 HelloWorld.cpp #include<iostream> using namespace std; int main(){ cout << "Hello World!"; return 0; } 3. C#: The Daughter's quite similar friend C# (C Sharp) Developed by: Anders Hejlsberg and Mads Torgersen Developed in: 2000 HelloWorld.cs using System; namespace HelloWorldApp{ class HelloWorld{ static void Main(strings[] args){ Console.WriteLine("Hello World!"); } } } 4. COBOL: It's Business Class Developed by: US Department of Defense Developed in: 1959 HelloWorld.cbl IDENTIFICATI


 Hello everyone, how are ye all! Went off for some time. But now I'm back with another App. I know you all have great calculators in your phone, computers, etc. I too have made a Calculator called "BCalc" . A little try towards understanding the GUI development and processing in computers. Though in beta, it is the first version; so, you might find bugs and all. Just give it a try and share suggestions and your thoughts about it. And yeah, report bugs for sure, if you find any, at the contact given in the Readme file of the App. NOTE:  Your Anti-Virus may report my app as containing Viruses; but it does not. If your AV has started a scan, let the scan complete, and probably you'll believe me after seeing the scan results :) Platform: Windows Size:  ~8mb Link:

3 best Minecraft-like free games for Android

Building and Crafting Games have been on a lot of people's favourites list, since the earliest days of gaming, from Minetest to Microsoft's Minecraft in it's various editions. But a lot of people don't have the opportunity to play Minecraft, majorly due to being unable to buy it. So, today I've got for you one of the few best minecraft-like games for you to enjoy on your own Android phones. 1. LokiCraft This game on the Play Store is available to freely download and play. Though it doesn't feature a multiplayer mode, the offline single player gameplay isn't bad. This game packs a lot to be discovered. Download Link: It has another version, Lokicraft 2. Download Link of 2nd Version: But just beware of any other games that have similar names, like Lokicraft 3 or Lokicraft New Crafting Game, etc, etc. 2. Mu